Andrew Balsillie is the Maintenance Superintendant at SteelServ, providing specialist services to New Zealand Steel's Glenbrook steel mill.
"We have seen our lineboring costs decrease over the years," Andrew says, "as our maintenance practices have improved and reliability solutions were implemented, with Active's support."
A prime example of this cost saving was with SteelServ's ladle carrier frame. It was wearing out bushes and flogging out housings far faster than expected, meaning a lot of expensive downtime taken to weld, rebore, and replace bushes and pins.
Active started by taking baseline measurements and right away discovered alignment problems. As a result of re-truing the equipment, the maintenance cycles are now much longer and the lifecycle has been extended.
Neil Attwood, one of Active's senior lineboring specialists, says he likes that his work reduces the amount his customers spend with Active. "On most sites we can find immediate cost savings for our customers," he says. "That's one reason why they trust us."
SteelServ have also worked with Active to develop a parts register of all the items that Active machines for them, and developed planned maintenance schedules that allow them to forecast their downtime well in advance.
Andrew Balsillie believes that when SteelServ align themselves with businesses that can add value in this way, the benefits and rewards are shared. When asked if he's happy to recommend Active Engineering to other people, Andrew's response is: "Without a doubt."